A Way To Reachness
(The Masonic Way)

Money and power in the Galactic Universe come from hard work and deep knowledge. Here is how you can earn both:
1. Answering unambiguous questions (these are questions with specific answers or multiple-choice answers)

Each 24 hours you will get a bunch of questions, some of them wasmultiple answers. You have an opportunity to reach up to 10 crafts per question. Choose the right call from your point of view, question. And if you’re right,  you will be learning crafts.

2. Answering ambiguous questions (these are also called “open” questions).

The correct answer will bring you up to 10 crafts. If you answered incorrectly, you would know about it immediately. However, there is a possibility to earn one craft for honesty. There are two buttons that say, “I answered correctly”  and “My answer was wrong.” If you answered incorrectly but clicked on the button “my answer was correct” you will be fined. If you answered incorrectly and clicked on the button “My answer was wrong” we will award you one craft for trying hard and being honest. 

3. Posting an art object on the “Fan-Art” channel.
An art object can be a photograph, video clip, drawing, poem, music, short story, joke. You can upload art object no more than once a day.
For any posted art, the participant receives 1 craft. Thus, in a 30-day month you can earn up to 30 crafts.
If the Moderators decide that the art is interesting and corresponds to the spirit of the Masonic lodge, then (depending on the quality of execution and artistic value), the creator of the art can receive up to 20 crafts.
The best art has a chance to be included in the NTF collection.
The creator of the art will in this case have a percentage of the sale.

4. Participation in the activities of the lodge.

A. For comments in the general chat you will receive crafts.

B. For verbal conversations with fellow freemasons you will receive crafts. 

C. Writing reviews and opinions about each other art postings, will earn you crafts.

D. Funny stories and observations, jokes, and posting real-life episodes will earn you crafts. 

E. But most crafts will earn you having something to do with the “Masonic Code of Conduct” based on The Twelve Commandments of Freemasons. 

5. Inviting friends to GML.

If a gamer you invited becomes an apprentice, the inviting member will receive 5 crafts.

If the invitee becomes Fellow of The Craft, the inviting member will receive additional 25 crafts; If becomes a master, additional 250 crafts; and if the invitee becomes Clan Master – 1,000 crafts.

6. Sweepstakes, totalizator and other games including games in meta-universe to be introduced at a later stage. (Under Construction)

This way of earning is good for those who love excitement and risk.
Having reached the level of the Fellow of the Craft, participants can bet on the outcome of events both inside the Lodge and in the real world.
If you will be willing to, you will risk crafts you yourself earned.
No other crypto or real currencies will be accepted in the GML games.
The conditions of the games will be explained later.

7. Depending on the participant’s activity, four Badges of Distinction will be awarded to the most outstanding ones. (Under Construction)

Under the comments, opinions, art, and other activities of the participants, four icons will be placed: “Clever”, “Funny”, “Creative” and “Disgusting.”
Participants can react to the statements of other participants by clicking on these icons.
At the end of each month, according to the results of the evaluation of the participants, Badges of Distinction are awarded to those who scored the most clicks in each given audience.
The one with the most clicks in the “smart” category –
the “Quarter Einstein” badge
Most clicked in the “funny” category –
the “Half of Jim Carrey” badge
The one with the highest number of clicks in the “creative” category –
the “Almost Elon Musk” badge
The one with the most clicks in the “disgusting” category
badge “Inprobus in mense” (Jerk of the Month)
Those who get the first three badges will be awarded with 250 crafts each.
Those who received the highest number of “disgusting” reactions, will be suspended for 5 (five) days from participating in the activities of the Lodge.
Perhaps later, new ways of earning money will appear in the GML, and the rules for participating in the activities of the GML will change, which we will inform you about in due time.