Artistic and intuitive

Color: Mauve, Lilac, Purple, Violet, Sea green

Tribemaster’s name: Cassiopeia

Lucky Numbers: 3, 12, 18, 24

Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical

Likes: Being alone, music, romance, spiritual themes

Members of the Pisces tribe: very friendly and often find themselves in the company of very different people. They are selfless and always willing to help others, a very fine intent for as long as they don’t expect much in return. They have an intuitive understanding of the life cycle and form incredible emotional relationships with other humans. They are characterized by empathy and incredible emotional capacity, but only if they keep their boundaries strong and don’t let outer emotions overwhelm them.
Fear can drive them apart from loved ones, drive them into romance, or make them tremble, feeling completely unwilling and powerless. Still, love helps them swim through the muddiest waters only to find the one their heart connects to. They are not in search for just any love you think of, but for their soulmate, someone who connects with them with an umbilical cord, ready to exchange everything they have with their Pisces partner throughout their entire shared lifetime and beyond.
For artists: developing NFT of Pisces tribe. Name of the leader is Jupiter, and intuition is his strongest suit. Connected to art, music, and any sort of liberal expression, he has a talent to be creative and free. Tolerant and compassionate, he could do too much for other people out of good intentions, forgetting about his own wellbeing in the process.