Freemason NFT Project

In the vast majority of NFT projects, participants are limited to earning one “whitelist” and buying one NFT at a special discount. There are no restrictions in the Galactic Masonic Lodge.
If you work hard, if you have brains and ready to use them, participants can earn GML’s own currency called “crafts” and purchase any number of NFTs.
In other NFT projects, you cannot sell the “whitelists” (right to purchase NFT at a discounted price). In GML you will be able to sell the crafts that you have earned, for which NFTs are redeemed.
Buy, sell, change, donate.
Market freedom is the base on which GML is built. Market freedom and any other freedom there is.
Therefore, we are called “Freemasons”
In GML there is inviolability of private property (no one can take away what is yours), freedom of opinion, freedom of speech, no censorship (but you shall know that we will root out insults and calls for violence).
We hate political correctness.
We say what we think.
We do what we promise.
GML Freemasons live by the principle:
We do not do to others
what we would not like to be done to us.

GML does not sell NFTs. We enable members of the Galactic Masonic Lodge to earn our currency (crafts). For every 599 crafts earned, you are entitled to mint one NFT. You are the only ones who can mint and bring NFTs to the open market.

Members of the Galactic Masonic Lodge may keep the NFTs in their collections or may sell them. The creators of the collection will receive a percentage of the sales of our NFTs on the free market.
Your success is our success.
Together we are team, an unbeatable team!
GML will produce 3333 NFTs of each image. The first series of NFT will consist of 13 images (Grandmaster and 12 clan leaders). The number 3333 denotes integrity, completeness, and perfection.