The Galactic Masonic Lodge

Cogito, ergo sum /
I think, therefore I am

If you’re interested in meta worlds, cryptocurrency, and the opportunity to earn real money by playing games, you have found the right place.

Welcome to the Galactic Masonic Lodge!

Let me tell you what and how you can earn tons of cryptocurrency by entering the Zodiac Universe and participating in the activities of the Galactic Masonic Lodge:

1. Answer questions posted on the feed of the game. Complete tasks, participating in discussions –  all of that will earn you crafts (the game’s cryptocurrency). After acquiring 599 crafts, you can mint by paying 37 US dollars (number 37 in numerology denotes “leave your dreams”). You can earn unlimited number of crafts, and mint unlimited NFTs.

2.  Using the GML internet store, you can sell/exchange crafts for any other cryptocurrency. However, only fellow Freemasons (members of the GML) can buy, sell, or trade in the Zodiac universe.

3.  You can refer friends and get rewarded for  that. You can chaperone friends and get rewarded even more.

4.  You will be able to earn prizes for outstanding achievements, receive orders, medal, certificates of honor, and get unlimited monetary rewards.

Fellow Freemasons, we want you to earn as much as you can or more. We want you to earn a lot! However, I shall tell you that you will need to work hard and employ grey cells of your brain. If you do that and leave by the moral principles of Freemasons, the sky is the limit!

Long live the Galactic Masonic Lodge!