
Color: Light green, yellow

Tribemaster’s name: Mercury

Lucky Numbers: 5,7,14,23

Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, able to learn quickly and exchange ideas

Likes Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town

Gemini’s changeable and open mind makes them excellent artists, especially writers and journalists, and their skills and flexibility make them shine in trade, driving and team sports. This is a versatile, inquisitive, fun-loving tribe, born with a wish to experience everything there is out there, in the world. This makes their character inspiring, and never boring. They need excitement, variety, and passion, and when they find the right person, a lover, a friend and someone to talk to and together become as one, they will be faithful and determined to always treasure their heart.
For artists: The ruler of the tribe is Mercury, who represents communication, writing, and movement. He has a feeling that his other half is missing, so he is forever seeking new friends, mentors, colleagues and people to talk to.