The Zodiac Universe

Legend of Hiram-the-Magnificent
At the request of King Solomon, King Hiram of Phoenicia sent to Jerusalem his best builder called Hiram Abif, the only person in the world who knew the secrets of building the Three Great Pyramids of Giza.
Hiram Abif became the chief architect of the Temple of God in Jerusalem. He employed 183,300 workers and divided them into three categories…

Apprentices, Builders and Masters (the latter were 3300).

The construction of the temple lasted 7 years, from 957 to 950 BC. (According to the Hebrew Calendar it happened during 4704 to 4711 from the Creation of the World).
The work was completed, and the Temple was consecrated before the holiday of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei, in the year 949 BC (4711-4712 Hebrew). After this, King Solomon brought the Ark of the Covenant into the temple.
According to the legend, the Great Builder of the Universe gave King Solomon and Master Hiram the plans for the temple, and ordered Hiram to build it, and Solomon to provide the builders with everything necessary.
Hiram by his mother was of the family of the Nephilim, that is, of those who “descended (fell) from heaven to earth.” Hiram’s father was an Israeli, among whom marriages with Nephilim were not unusual. Hiram, because of his mother, was considered of divine origin.
Almost 3000 years have passed since the day of the death of Hiram, who was murdered by his disciples. They were trying to force him to give them the secret of the construction of the pyramids. Hiram died, taking his knowledge to the grave. Perhaps he was the last human in the world who knew how the Giza pyramids were built.

In the year 5783 from the Creation of the World, and 2971 years after the consecration of the temple, in the year 2022 AC, Master Hiram was brought back to Earth to build a new temple. This time not made by human hands. The Spirit of Supreme Builder, said Hiram, will dwell not in a building of marble, stone, and wood, but in the consciousness of those who will take into themselves the great knowledge and morals of the Nephilim, combined with the great achievements of the children of Adam.

Many people, said Hiram, were mired in ignorance, greed, greed, and indifference to each other. The world is moving in the wrong direction. Terrible wars, bloody riots and revolutions, tyrannies of the last centuries disrupted the world’s balance and spiritual development on the planet. The dark forces born of human spirit lessness, increasingly dependent on the powers of governments, and the root of human indifference to the neighbor, are getting ready for the complete destruction of all living things on earth.
And Master Hiram created Galactic Masonic Lodge with the goal of returning lost spiritual values, freeing as many people as possible from the shackles of evil and leading them to fight against dark forces. He decides to teach people the Great Law of the Zodiac Universe – “Telohem ve ezoreha” that in translation from Aramaic (language the Torah was written in) mean “fight and I will help you.”
If you do not fight, if you do not act, if you do not try your best to achieve your goals, then neither nature, nor the universe, nor the Great Architect of the Universe will help you.
But if you struggle, if you don’t give in, if you move towards the goal despite the difficulties, then help will come!

This is the Great Law of the Universe – Fight and then (and only then) I will help you! 

Therefore, the Galactic Masons will fight to the end!
Galactic Masonic Lodge consists of 12 clans. The leaders of the clans compose the council of the lodge, and at the head stands Master Hiram, who dwells in our world as a Spirit. Hiram-the-Magnificent – teacher of teachers, master of masters, leader of leaders.