Galactic Masonic Lodge

Who are we?
We are Free Masons. We cherish our freedom and believe that to be free is the only way to live our lives. We can’t live without a purpose either. Otherwise, it is not life, but a waste of life.
Our traditions come from the distant past. We fought with evil and protected humankind for millennia. We used sorcery and intrigue, power of the sword and power of the word. And now finally, comes the most important moment in the history of humankind. Now the fight for survival of our civilization enters its final phase. In the not-so-distant, we will witness the final victory of the good over evil.
The dark side is assembling its armies and we need to prepare all good people to withstand and win.
We need to sharpen our skills in magic, in mind games and swordsmanship.
Are you ready to become defenders of the humankind?
If the answer is yes, we will welcome you to The Masonic Lodge, where heroes are molded, and legends are born.
We are The Twelve Tribes of the Zodiac Universe. We formed Galactic Masonic Lodge to unite all forces of light and prepare them for the fight of our lives. Be a part of our Universe.